Outriders Coop review - Co-op Gameplay Review

Check out our review here!

If you are a fan of shooting mass amounts of enemies with friends, then this game is definitely worth looking into. Outriders boasts a beefy campaign and intriguing story, complete with drop-in drop-out co-op up to 3 players. 

Playing Outriders together was a blast. Each player’s specific abilities were an awesome sight to behold, and presented many opportunities to support each other in the onslaught of bullets and melee. While in singleplayer, when you die you restart that specific gunfight over again. However in co-op mode you are able to revive yourself once, and then continually be revived as long as your friendship is strong enough. So, beware of those random teams. 

Each of the four classes’ special abilities build upon each other as you level up, providing a unique practical advantage or disadvantage in the midst of battle when fighting different types of enemies. There is no going in guns ablazing. Each fight requires a certain amount of tactical decision making and advantageous skills to be equipped. 

For fans of RPG shooters, we would definitely recommend this game. It tells an excellent story, while also providing enough monsters and space baddies to challenge you and keep you coming back for more. Having your friend playing with you only boosts the firefight to a whole new level without killing the story

Not only are you able to kill evil dudes with your friends, but Outriders also saves game progress for all players as they continue through the campaign. While crossplay between Playstation and Xbox worked fantastic for us, the play between console and PC is currently slightly buggy and will occasionally kick players. 

Outriders managed co-op well, never leaving one of us feeling in charge. This was accomplished by requiring all actions, such as beginning and progressing through quests as well as fast traveling, to be accepted by all players.

If you would like to play this game for yourself, you can buy it using our affiliate link: https://amzn.to/3y7wJJR

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