Gaming Done Right:

  • We are the go-to place for Couples, Families, and Friends to find games that you can play together on the couch!

  • Our goal is to help you find couch co-op games that will help strengthen your relationships through gaming!

  • If you love local multiplayer games then you are in the right place!

We are a happily married couple (Ririe & Carlee) dedicated to bringing joy into the world by demonstrating the power that gaming together can have on a relationship!

Who are we?

Check out this video to find out exactly who we are, and how we can help you!

 Welcome to The Co-op Company

The source for all your couples gaming needs, reviews, lists, recommendations, community, and merch!

Upcoming Co-op Games!

There are no good couch co-op games anymore!

Have you ever heard anyone say that? Well, we firmly disagree! There are tons of great co-op games released every year! So buckle up and click below to find some of the new co-op games coming your way!

Featured Videos

Best Co-op Games For Couples!

If you are looking for games you can enjoy with your significant other (or your totally platonic best friend,) then check out this playlist!

Best Co-op Games Lists!

If you need a ton of game recommendations quickly then this is the playlist for you! We have covered tons of games and you will find the large majority of them here!

Best Games For Family/Parties

Whether you want a new game for family game night or a party with friends you won’t have any trouble finding exactly what you are looking for in this playlist!

Gameplay Showcase!

We totally understand if you want to see how a game plays before you buy it! So we take care of that for you! You can check out the first little bit of most games we have played in this playlist right here! Not to mention enjoy a little bit of us being us!

Co-op Games Podcast!

If you love fun conversations and co-op games then you need to check out our video podcast! We interview multiplayer game developers about their games and other co-op game enthusiasts about what they love!

New This year!

Want to keep up on the latest games so you don’t miss out on the newest and greatest? Check this out because we covered new games as fast as humanly possible while still providing the best quality information!

Co-op Company Exclusives

Get exclusive access to early releases, behind-the-scenes content, Giveaways, Discord/youtube Perks, and a fantastic Co-op community when you show your support.