10 CO-OP Games EVERY Couple WILL LOVE!

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We love playing games as a couple, but it can be hard to find good games to play together! So we made a list to help you find the best games for your relationship! Whether you are looking to do some Christmas shopping or just good old game buying buckle up and enjoy the ride! 

It Takes 2:

When it comes to the best games for couples, nothing can beat It Takes Two! If you already have this one skip ahead, but if you don’t, listen close! It Takes Two is the best co-op game we could ever recommend! The story follows Cody and May, a husband and wife on the verge of divorce! Thanks to their daughter's magical tears, they go on a Honey I Shrunk the Kids epic adventure, and learn to overcome obstacles together! Aside from the fact that this is a story about restoring lost love, there are a ton of fantastic co-op mechanics mixed in with the beautiful art style, and fun puzzles!

There is absolutely no way to beat this game alone as it requires cooperation around every corner, whether its the opposing sides of magnets you have to use to boost each other across gaps, or the hammer and nail duo, you are sure to enjoy every little way the game gives you to work together! As you play through It Takes Two you will get to experience a small piece of almost every game genre there is. This makes the game fantastic for new gamers who don’t quite know yet what type of games they enjoy. 

Links included may be affilaite links.

Buy This game here: https://amzn.to/3iF5dPL

Unravel 2:

Before the release of It Takes Two, Unravel 2 topped our co-op games list! This game has mystery around every bend. You and your partner play as two little yarn figures linked together by a shared thread! The story is ominous, and often chilling as you struggle to follow along. But what really brought us into the game was the excellent mode of travel! At its core Unravel is a 2d platformer, but with some wonderful cooperative mechanics. 

While there is plenty of the standard running and jumping, the game also relies heavily on using your yarn to swing from one anchor to another, similar to how spiderman travels across the new york skyline! However even more complex was the ways we were encouraged to work together. Sometimes I would act as a counterbalance for Carlee as she repelled down a hill and other times we had to time our swings perfectly together to not ruin the momentum of a jump! This is a great game to experience together and is one of the best 2d platformers we have ever played.

Buy This game here: https://amzn.to/3Fze2DH

Sackboy Big Adventure:

While playing games together is absolutely fantastic, it's also nice to have a couple of games that support more than two players, so you can also share them with friends! Sackboy a Big Adventure is absolutely brilliant for this and will have both you and your guests smiling at the fun, constantly moving cardboard landscapes. Not to mention continuously grooving to the excellent soundtracks!

Each of these levels are fairly short with some taking only 5 minutes, and others taking around 15. This is one of the most enjoyable 3d platformers we have ever played, and certainly the best one for co-op gameplay. Heck, the game even changes little things to adapt to the number of players you have, so you can be sure no one will ever be left out! Though it's still a great option for two players as well, if, like us, you don’t really have friends…

Buy This game here: https://amzn.to/3VHBFj5

Don't Starve Together:

Near and dear to our hearts is Don’t Starve Together! One of the first co-op games we played as a couple. This survival game is thrilling with just a touch of fear! After entering through a portal, you find yourself stranded in the wilderness with nothing but your wits to help you survive! So get to it! This land is filled with dangers around every corner, whether that's surviving your first night, fending off monsters, or trying not to starve!  

This as any other survival game revolves around collecting materials, and using them to craft better and better items, starting farms, and surviving the seasons! The game is originally meant to be played with perma-death, though we prefer to play in the endless mode that allows us to come back to life with a handicap rather than doing all of our hard work over again! If you like a little more challenge or mystery then you can't go wrong with Don’t Starve Together! 

Buy This game here: https://www.klei.com/games/dont-starve-together


While not starving takes a lot of concentration and can be quite stressful, Pode is a game you can relax and have a nice cup of cocoa with! This puzzle exploration game has you play as two adorable characters and explore a gorgeous 3d environment. On your adventure, you will solve puzzles with your special abilities, and only together will you be able to complete each level, and move on to the next area.

This is one of those more unique co-op games that gives each of you a different set of abilities that complement one another. The star can cause plants to grow while the rock can make rocks move. You are also able to unlock more skills as you progress farther into the game and combine your abilities to solve more complex puzzles and help each other reach difficult areas. This is an excellent game where you both have things to do and you cannot proceed without each other. 

Buy This game here: https://www.podegame.com/

Overcooked all-you-can-eat:

Overcooked was the first game that Ririe and I ever played together! This is a much more action-packed and stressful game than the last few on the list! So if you are afraid of arguments then this might not be the one for you! However, it is largely responsible for our love of gaming together, and with friends! This is the only way you will find us happily washing dishes as we frantically attempt to clean, cook, and assemble burgers, pizza, and soups to serve customers before time runs out! 

Overcooked is difficult and almost impossible if your communication skills are not up to snuff! There are constantly new obstacles being introduced and you will often be required to pass ingredients and dishes back and forth, and find a good rhythm for who needs to handle which parts of every new kitchen! We honestly always have to take a break as things become too heated, but we never look back at the experience with anything but fondness.

Buy This game here: https://amzn.to/3BhFXpp

Any Lego Game:

As the classic Christmas gift for kids, legos never lose their charm, and that's the same in video game form! For this, we are not talking about any game specifically, but letting you choose! Almost every lego game supports couch co-op and follows the same basic formula to create a fun and amusing game in whatever world you choose! The play style and co-op mechanics are a ton of fun and simple to pick up! So enjoy accidentally smashing each other to pieces, and switching between every available character! 

When it comes to choosing which lego game, go with something you love! These games are spread across a large variety of franchises, and whatever one you choose will immerse you in a lego adventure of your favorite story! Whether you go with the Harry Potter series, the Star Wars Saga, The Hobbit, The Incredibles, or something else, you are bound to have a fantastic time smashing lego structures and collecting as many studs as you can! 

Buy This game here: https://amzn.to/3BiYVMg

Tools Up:

While Overcooked was the first game we ever played together, we actually enjoyed Tools Up more! Tools up shares a lot of similarities with overcooked, however, much like with a 3-year-old gingerbread house, instead of chopping tomatoes and onions you will be laying carpet and moving furniture, and instead of serving customers and washing dishes you'll be cleaning floors and tearing down walls! But the biggest difference of all was that we had a much easier and more relaxing time! 

The game is all about remodeling apartments and making them brand new! There are a bunch of adorable characters to unlock as you go along! And there are constantly new challenges being introduced from new construction skills to fishing materials out of a river, or avoiding the wandering dog. The game does an excellent job of presenting just the right amount of challenge to be enjoyable without being too infuriating! So If you want to play Overcooked without the tension and constant blaming of each other, then this is the one! 

Buy This game here: https://toolsupgame.com/

Snipper Clips:

Puzzle games tend to be some of our favorites and tend to offer better cooperation than other games since you have to work together to solve each problem! Snipper clips is a fantastic puzzle game that while fairly simple will definitely get you laughing! By overlaying your characters you can start cutting each other to pieces to get the perfect shape for what you need! 

Whether you are trying to create a specific shape together, or move a ball into a hoop you will have fun finding the best way to do so! Sometimes you may even challenge yourself by being stubborn and trying something repeatedly just to see if you can get it to work! It’s a straightforward game that gives you little information about what to do but instead lets you experiment and learn from your mistakes!

Buy This game here: https://amzn.to/3uzUlFu

39 days to mars:

If you have ever wanted to travel through space in a ship that's not near nice enough to make the trip, then you need to try 39 days to mars! This is an interesting 2 player co-op game that will have you solving issues in between frequent tea and biscuit breaks! The art is charmingly hand-drawn in black and white on aged paper and takes on an almost stick figure-esque style

The entire game is charmingly voice-acted with British accents and the characters seem very nonchalant as your ship slowly falls apart! To fix the ship you will have to solve puzzles by each controlling a hand, and moving objects around until you figure out what you are supposed to do! These puzzles vary from actual puzzles you need to assemble, to memory challenges, and plenty of puzzles that don’t fit into any category at all, and require you to figure them out as you go along! 

Buy This game here: https://www.itsanecdotal.com/39days/

This was only ten of the many fantastic co-op games out there! So click here to learn about the best games to get for families or parties! They all support up to four players and will definitely make your parties the talk of the town! https://www.theco-opcompany.com/news/christmas-gifts-for-gaming-families-the-best-multiplayer-video-games-for-families


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