Is Bravery and Greed Any Good? Multiplayer Review!

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It’s not often that you play a cooperative game where your friends rob you before reviving you! 

Bravery and Greed is a charming multiplayer hack-and-slash game, beautifully woven into an engaging rogulite shell! This fantasy action game takes on a very welcoming and colorful art style that will absolutely draw you in. As the name suggests, alongside battling bravely, the game is about greed and gold! You and up to 3 friends will set out on a journey to defeat 4 dungeons and collect their runes, all in order to enter The Dwarven Sky Fortress, and pillage more gold than your dreams could ever put before you! 

There are occasional puzzles to solve that mostly consist of pushing a block into the right place. However, for the most part, each dungeon is a mix of getting locked in rooms to fight baddies, avoiding traps such as axes swinging from the sky or spikes coming from the ground, and plentiful treasure to be found! You’ll also stumble upon the occasional statue to upgrade your skills or a merchant to purchase upgrade gear!  As I’m sure you can imagine, each dungeon gets progressively more difficult and continues to add more dangerous monsters to fight and more tricky traps to avoid! 

Since this is a rogue-lite you will need to complete all four dungeons and The Dwarven Sky Fortress in one run to beat the game. Each of these elemental-themed dungeons features a fun boss battle at the end. Although, I honestly found the first boss you face to be the most difficult of all. 

The developers must have been big fans of the number four as it is everywhere! Four players, four classes, four pieces of gear, four runes, and four paths! So lets talk about the rule of fours! The four fantasy classes are bound to touch the hearts of many gamers! The rogue, the warrior, the wizard, and the amazon, are simple enough to learn but have their own unique weapons, fighting styles, weaknesses, and strengths! Choosing the right one for you can easily make the difference between life and death! But lucky enough you can easily switch to another class each time you die! 

In classic dungeon-crawler fashion you will often find chests filled with gold, food, potions, and most importantly new equipment! There are four different types of gear to equip. Gloves will alter your attacks with extra damage or magic effects. Amulets will grant you protection and passive abilities. Boots will affect your mobility, granting double jump, flight, or speed. And wands will grant you powerful offensive spells! Along your journey, you will constantly come across new bits and pieces of gear to choose between with their own very unique effects! These are quite handy in a fight, as the ability to double jump out of danger or heal yourself by doing damage make a big difference!

Another crucial part of powering yourself up for victory is choosing which of the four paths you will follow. Each will provide you with special abilities and perks to craft a fighting style unique to you! Early on, you will make this choice and lock in a skill tree specific to that path! As we have never been particularly good at roguelites, we preferred the path of life that gave us power-ups relating to our health, like finding more potions or making healing items more potent! 

One of the more unique things this roguelite had to offer over others we have played was unlockable game rules. The more we played, the more options we unlocked to either increase the difficulty or make the game easier such as the ability to be revived at the cost of a large amount of gold or to cause elite monster spawns that would also power other monsters with them. As constantly replaying the same levels is not so appealing, we loved these unique options to make the game just a little easier! 

Along with all of the unlockable game rules, you will also unlock new items that can be found in the dungeons. These are new types of equipment and new companions to fight by your side. Which was honestly one of our favorite parts of the game! The very first companion you are able to find in the dungeons is an adorable wolf! And unlike any of the other companions, you can actually interact with them by petting them! What does this do? Well… nothing as far as I could tell, but it was great fun! 

Speaking of companions to help you on your journey, we should probably talk about the co-op! As a hack-and-slash game, there is not a lot that you can do to help each other out, but you do get to work together to fight off enemies. And friends can be revived, though as the game is about getting rich, you get the opportunity to pickpocket them in exchange! Which I personally think will make for an interesting competitive mechanic in the cooperative campaign. 

Overall the co-op was a good time, however, our biggest issue with the game was that the co-op felt a little too hectic for us, more like a button masher than anything else. With two people on screen, it was a little hard to follow your own character, especially as the screen kept zooming in and out when we moved apart and back together. But it was still fun to warn each other of impending dangers and rescue one another whenever we fell. We also found the game to be a little easier in a co-op than solo.

The first time i beat the game it took me 1 hour and 40 minutes, but I was probably playing for 2 or more hours before that just learning and getting better! But I think this game has a ton of opportunity for replayability if it's your style! You can continue to play through the game with different friends, or with increased difficulty, or play until you have unlocked everything you can! In addition to the main campaign, there is also a survival mode that allows you to face horde after horde of enemies until you are eventually overrun. Or the PvP mode that allows you to fight against other players in both free for all or team battles. 

If we had to nitpick the game, some people may feel it's a little easier than they like, but for us, it was the perfect difficulty. And with the ability to change little aspects of the game to be easier or harder, this should not be a big deal! While the art is pretty and the dungeons are fun to explore, as you keep playing you are bound to run into very similar rooms here and there. 

Bravery and Greed was quite enjoyable solo, however, the co-op mode seemed to throw a little too much on screen for us. If you are looking for a mindless romp with friends or a simple yet enjoyable solo rogue-lite experience, then definitely pick this one up!It’s available anywhere you play games and supports up to 4 players locally or online. Buy the game here: This is an affiliate link.

If you need more co-op games to play then go check out this list of the best co-op games to play as a couple!


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