Best Split Screen PS4/ PS5 Games - Top 5

We are going over the best split screen games for the PS4 and PS5! Let’s dive right in.

It Takes Two has hit the world of split screen games by storm. It is the epitome of what a couch co-op game should be. Follow the story of Cody and May, who on the brink of divorce are transformed into dolls and forced to work together to get back to normal! Enjoy every sort of co-op puzzle you can imagine! In one challenge, one of you throws nails and the other does platforming using those nails. Or, how could we forget becoming a plant while your partner uses your leaves for platforming. It Takes Two is two-player only. It supports online or local splitscreen. The game was designed so that everything must be done as a team. There is no way you could even attempt to play this game alone and  it is the most enjoyable co-op game to date.

Stardew Valley took our house over for several days straight upon the release of local split screen co-op. A farming life simulator, this game does its absolute best to drag you in and keep you coming back. From growing your crops, automating your farms, exploring deep dark caves, fishing for days on end, and even romancing the local townsfolk, this game is our go to game for relaxation and hours of gameplay. Stardew Valley includes constantly updating quests to fulfill, different seasons to explore, and a fantastic amount of things to collect. It offers 4 player local split screen, as well as four player online co-op. It is definitely worth its low price and far more in our opinion. You definitely need to pick this one up.

Don’t Starve Together takes you on an eerie tour of a dangerous wilderness jam-packed with scary monsters, friendly rabbits, pigmen and loads of other things to explore. Your goal is simple, Don’t starve, or rather survive. This game will leave you on the edge of your seat as you try, try, and try again to master its mechanics. This game involves balancing hunger, sanity, and health all at the same time, while stumbling through the wilderness collecting everything you see and encouraging risk taking. Discovering what is safe to eat and what is not, and what foods will restore your health without ruining your sanity is incredibly thrilling, albeit sometimes frustrating.  Don’t Starve Together offers 2 player splitscreen and upto 6 player online co-op.

If you like racing games, this one is for you. Crash Team Racing is an excellent joyride of cart racing. Select characters from PlayStation’s iconic Crash Bandicoot cast, and enjoy smashing into walls, bombing, blowing up, slowing down, and screwing over your friends in any manner you can think of. If you are into shouting at the screen, as well as at your friends, then this game is for you! Dozens of tracks to choose from and different cart styles and driving modes add a lot of replayability. Crash Team Racing offers 1-4 player split screen.

This list would not be complete without a Lego game! These games lend themselves so well to enjoyable split screen bliss. It's hard to choose just one, so we had to go with our favorite franchise, Lego Marvel. This game is absolutely fantastic! It offers tons of playable heroes, each with a different ability befitting their character, whether you’re playing as Spiderman swinging through the city, or as Mr Fantastic stretching to form all sorts of useful shapes. That combined with the pure joy of smashing Lego things and an excellent story makes this game a must-have for any Marvel lover. The Lego games are absolutely fantastic and are always worth playing with friends, kids, or significant others

If you would like to play any of these games yourself, you can buy them here (some links are affiliate links):

It Takes Two:

Stardew Valley:

Don’t Starve Together:

Crash Team Racing:

Lego Marvel:

We love you guys! Y’all are awesome!


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